21st August 2024

21st August 2024 - Cin7 Omni Enhancements


Extending budget timeframes

With Budgets, you can track your financial goals. You can now set targets for longer periods: 15 days, 14 weeks, and 12 months. View your goals and see your progress in the Cin7 Omni Dashboard.


Tax regions for ecommerce transactions

You can add details about the State, Province, or Country to tax rates. Cin7 Omni will only apply a tax rate with a State, Province, or Country to ecommerce transactions with a matching Delivery State/Region or Country.

Shopify PO number

You can now download the Shopify PO number into your Cin7 Omni sales order. This will appear in the Customer PO No field.

The ICONIC and New Zealand Post

We now support New Zealand Post as a carrier for THE ICONIC.

3PL export pick requests

We’ve improved how XML pick requests are exported to third-party logistics providers (3PLs).

Previously, if an error occurred during export, the export would stop. Now, the export will continue through all pick requests, moving any pick requests with issues to the errors page.

Sales order

Locked transactions hide the void button

When a transaction is locked, Cin7 Omni hides the void button on the Admin page for Read-only and Standard users. Admin users can still void a sales order.

Purchase order

Bulk load products changed total to $0.00

We’ve fixed an issue where bulk loading products into a purchase order would incorrectly set the total value of the purchase order to $0.00. If you have purchase orders with incorrect totals, you can fix this by re-saving the purchase order.

Production Job

Unlinking a transaction will update COGS

We’ve improved the landed costs calculation for production jobs. Now, landed costs include any additional costs applied to a production job through a linked transaction. If you unlink the linked transaction, the landed costs remove these additional costs.