25th June 2024

25th June 2024 - Cin7 Omni Enhancements

Warehouse Management System

Sales order Update Log shows WMS changes

Your sales orders will now show WMS changes in the Update Log on the Admin page. This will also show the correct timestamp regardless of the current timezone.


Creating a draft Credit Note with Cin7 Omni API updates to DRAFT

Draft credit notes created through the Cin7 Omni API show as Draft. Previously, draft credit notes created with the API were Approved.

This affects the POST CreditNotes endpoint.

Update credit notes with a zero value total in Cin7 Omni API

You can now edit credit notes with a payment of $0 with the Cin7 Omni API.

This affects the PUT CreditNotes endpoint.

Sales order

Tax rates locked for invoiced sales orders

Tax rates are locked after the invoice date has been applied to a sales order. If you update a historical sales order, it will retain the old tax rate.

More custom sales order stages

We’ve increased the amount of custom sales order stages. This change better supports customers with long stage names or with many stages.

Improved stock availability accuracy

We’ve improved the accuracy of stock availability. Previously, it was incorrect if a branch was changed in a sales order.

Branch Transfers

Production jobs COGS included in branch transfers

Our branch transfers now include COGS when the stock is used in a production job.


Tax rates locked for invoiced sales orders

We no longer overwrite the tax rate in invoiced sales orders. Previously, if you had a new tax rate, it would overwrite the old tax rate when you opened an invoiced sales order.