11th June 2024

11th June 2024 - Cin7 Omni Enhancements

Warehouse Management System

Multiple people can’t pack the same order

In WMS with Picking disabled, only one person can pack an order at a time. If someone else has selected an order, you will be asked to pack a different order. Previously, different staff could accidentally pack the same order.

Custom WMS naming

We now support custom names for your WMS in the Cin7 Omni navigation. Contact our support team if you want a custom name.


Close Register ignores deposit transactions for batch invoices

We’ve removed deposit transactions from batch invoices when you close the register. This prevents QuickBooks integrations from double counting deposit payments if you have the Manage Depositssetting enabled.


Correct sales channel selected

After mapping, products now have the correct sales channel (e.g. Shopify) selected. Previously, sometimes mapped products did not have the correct sales channel selected.

Shopify multicurrency payments

We improved our Shopify integration when you have Multi-currency disabled. Now, Shopify foreign currency sales will show as a payment in your local currency in Cin7 Omni.

NuORDER fixes

We fixed issues that prevented the NuORDER integration from connecting to Cin7 Omni or matching products.

JOOR fixes

We now show the correct delivery name and fixed the incorrect SKU item_upc in sales orders. Previously, both the first and last name were combined into the first name field (leaving the last name blank).

Sales Order

Improved holding stock accuracy

We have improved the accuracy for holding stock when you use the Set to ‘Fully Assigned Holding’ to Hold/Reserve Stock in the Sales Order List page. Previously, this incorrectly applied the holding stock value and location.

Custom mandatory fields

Some customers experienced issues with custom mandatory fields. Now, your custom mandatory fields are enforced.